


马基雅维利主义人格量表Machiavellianism Personality Scale,简称 MPS)是Dahling等人于2009年编制的,[1]




Instructions: Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement below. There are no right or wrong answers, so please give your honest reaction. (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree)

1. I am willing to be unethical if I believe it will help me succeed.

2. I am willing to sabotage the efforts of other people if they threaten my own goals.

3. I would cheat if there was a low chance of getting caught.

4. I believe that lying is necessary to maintain a competitive advantage over others.

5. The only good reason to talk to others is to get information that I can use to my benefit.

6. I like to give the orders in interpersonal situations.

7. I enjoy being able to control the situation.

8. I enjoy having control over other people.

9. Status is a good sign of success in life.

10. Accumulating wealth is an important goal for me.

11. I want to be rich and powerful someday.

12. People are only motivated by personal gain.

13. I dislike committing to groups because I don’t trust others.

14. Team members backstab each other all the time to get ahead.

15. If I show any weakness at work, other people will take advantage of it.

16. Other people are always planning ways to take advantage of the situation at my expense


The scale score can be calculated by taking the average of all 16 items, or specific sub-scale scores can be derived by averaging the responses to the following sets of items:

  • Items 1-5: Amorality subscale
  • Items 6-8: Desire for Control subscale
  • Items 9-11: Desire for Status subscale
  • Items 12-16: Distrust of Others subscale
  1. ^ Dahling, J.J., Whitaker, B.G., & Levy, P.E. (2009). The development and validation of a new Machiavellianism scale. Journal of Management, 35, 219-257.