

青少年物质主义量表youth materialism scale,简称 YMS)是由Goldberg等人于2003年编制的单维度量表,共10题,例如“如果我有更多钱给自己买更多东西,我会更快乐”等;采用4点计分,1=非常不符合,4=非常符合,总分越高表示物质主义价值观越强[1]


1. I'd rather spend time buying things, than doing almost anything else.

2. I would be happier if I had more money to buy more things for myself.

3. I have fun just thinking of all the things I own.

4. I really enjoy going shopping.

5. I like to buy things my friends have.

6. When you grow up, the more money you have, the happier you are.

7. I'd rather not share my snacks with others if it means I'll have less for myself.

8. I would love to be able to buy things that cost lots of money.

9. I really like the kids that have very special games or clothes.

10. The only kind of job I want when I grow up is one that gets me a lot of money.


1. 比起做其他的事情,我更愿意把时间花在买东西上。

2. 如果我有更多的钱来为自己买更多的东西,我会感到更加快乐。

3. 只要一想到我拥有的所有物品,我就觉得很开心。

4. 我真的很喜欢购物。

5. 我倾向于买我朋友们有,但我还没有的东西

6. 当我长大后,越有钱我会越开心。

7. 我不想和别人分享我的零食,因为这意味着留给自己的会变少。

8. 我希望能够买得起那些很贵的东西。

9. 我真的很美慕那些拥有贵重物品或衣服的同学。

10. 当我长大后我唯一想要的工作,就是能让我赚很多钱的工作。


  1. ^ Goldberg, M. E., Gorn, G. J., Peracchio, L. A., & Bamossy, G. (2003). Understanding Materialism Among Youth. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 13(3), 278–288.