

社交回避及苦恼量表Social Avoidance and Distress Scale,简称 SADS)由Watson和Friend于1969年编制,用于同时测查个体的社交焦虑和回避行为[1]





在 2、5、8、10、11、13、14、16、18、20、21、23、24 和 26 题回答“是”者得 1 分;

而在1、3、4、6、7、9、12、15、17、19、22、25、27 和 28 题回答“否”者得 1 分。

回避分量表:包括 2、4、8、9、13、17、18、19、21、22、24、25、26、27 共 14 个条目, 反映被测者回避社会交往的倾向。

苦恼分量表:包括 1、3、5、6、7、10、11、12、14、15、16、20、23、28 共 14 个条目,反映被测者对社交产生的苦恼感受。


Instructions: This questionnaire consists of a number of statements. We want you to decide for each one if it is TRUE or FALSE, as applied to you. If the statement is TRUE or MOSTLY TRUE as applied to you, tap the true button. If the statements is FALSE or MOSTLY FALSE as applied to you, tap the false button. Remember to give your own opinion of yourself.

True False
1. I feel relaxed even in unfamiliar social situations 0 1
2. I try to avoid situations, which force me to be very sociable 1 0
3. It is easy for me to relax when I am with strangers 0 1
4. I have no particular desire to avoid people 0 1
5. I often find social occasions upsetting 1 0
6. I usually feel calm and comfortable at social occasions 0 1
7. I am usually at ease when talking to someone of the opposite sex 0 1
8. I try to avoid talking to people unless I know them well 1 0
9. If the chance comes to meet new people, I often take it 0 1
10. I often feel nervous or tense in casual get-togethers in which both sexes are present 0 1
11. I am usually nervous with people unless I know them well 1 0
12. I usually feel relaxed when I am with a group of people 0 1
13. I often want to get away from people 1 0
14. I usually feel uncomfortable when I am in a group of people I don’t 0 1
15. I usually feel relaxed when I meet someone for the first time 0 1
16. Being introduced to people makes me tense and nervous 1 0
17. Even though a room is full of strangers, I may enter it anyway 0 1
18. I would avoid walking up and joining a large group of people 1 0
19. When my superiors want to talk with me, I talk willingly 0 1
20. I often feel on edge when I am with a group of people 1 0
21. I tend to withdraw from people 1 0
22. I don't mind talking to people at parties or social gatherings 0 1
23. I am seldom at ease in a large group of people 1 0
24. I often think of excuses in order to avoid social engagements 1 0
25. I sometimes take the responsibility for introducing people to each other 0 1
26. I try to avoid formal social occasions 1 0
27. I usually go to whatever social engagements I have 0 1
28. I find it easy to relax with other people 0 1



*1. 即使在不熟悉的社交场合里,我仍然感到放松。
2. 我尽量避免迫使我参加交际应酬的情形。
*3. 我同陌生人在一起时很容易放松。
*4. 我并不特别想去回避人群。
5. 我通常发现社交场合令我心烦意乱。
*6. 在社交场合我通常感觉平静及舒适。
*7. 在同异性交谈时,我通常感觉放松。
8. 我尽量避免与人家讲话,除非特别熟悉。
*9. 如果有同新人相会的机会,我会把握住的。
10. 在非正式的聚会上如有异性参加,我通富觉得焦虑和紧张。
11. 我通常与人们在一起时感到焦虑,除非与他们特别熟悉。
*12. 我与一群人在一起时通常感到很放松。
13. 我经常想离开人群。
14. 在置身于不认识的人群中时,我通常感到不自在。
*15. 在初次遇到某些人时,我通常是放松的。
16. 当被介绍给别人使我感到紧张和焦虑。
*17. 尽管满房间都是陌生人,我可能还是会进去的。
18. 我会避免走进去并加入到一大群人的中间。
*19. 当上司想同我谈话时,我很高兴与他谈话。
20. 当与一群人在一起时,我通常感觉忐忑不安。
21. 我喜欢避开人群。
*22. 在晚上或社交聚会上与人们交谈对我不成问题。
23. 在一大群人中间,我极少能感到自在。
24. 我经常想出一些借口以回避社交活动。
*25. 我有时充当为人们相互介绍的角色。
26. 我尽力避开正式的社交场合。
*27. 不管是什么社交活动,我一般是能参加就参加。
*28. 我发现同他人在一起时放松很容易。


  1. ^ Watson, D., & Friend, R. (1969). Measurement of social-evaluative anxiety. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 33(4), 448.