田纳西自我概念量表(Tennessee Self Concept Scale,简称 TSCS)是William H. Fitts于1965年编制的,是一种多维度的自我概念测量方法。该量表经过多次修改,TSCS-2为该量表的最新版本,有儿童和成人两种形式。
1. I have a healthy body
2. I like to appear neat and attractive
3. I am an attractive person
4. I am full of pain and suffering.
5. I am an untidy person.
6. I am not a healthy person.
7. I am not too fat and not too thin.
8. I am not too tall nor too short.
9. I like the way I am now.
10. I don't feel as healthy as I should be.
11. I wish to change a few parts of my body.
12. I should have more sex appeal.
13. I take good care of my physical self.
14. I feel happy most of the time.
15. I am very careful about my self appearance.
16. I am not good in games and sport.
17. I often behave like a know-all person.
18. I have trouble sleeping.
19. I am a well-mannered person.
20. I am a pious person.
21. I am an honest person.
22. I don't have a good moral.
23. I am a bad person.
24. I am a weak-will person.
25. I am very satisfied with my manners and behaviors.
26. I am as pious as I wish to be.
27. I am satisfied about my relationship with God.
28. I feel that I am not very trusted.
29. I rarely go to the mosque or place of worship.
30. I tell lies often.
31. Religion is my guide in everyday life.
32. I do what is right most of the time.
33. I will work on changing when I realize that I have made a mistake.
34. Sometimes I use unfair ways to move forward.
35. Sometimes I do bad things.
36. I have problems doing the right thing.
37. I am a cheerful person.
38. I have a high self-control.
39. I am a calm person and easy to befriended.
40. I am hated.
41. I am not important.
42. I can no longer think straight.
43. I am satisfied with myself now.
44. I am as intelligent as I wish to be.
45. I am a good person.
46. I am not the person I hope to become.
47. I hate myself.
48. I am someone who gives up easily.
49. In any situation‚ I can take care of myself.
50. I can solve my problems easily.
51. I am willing to admit my mistake without feeling angry.
52. I often change my mind.
53. I often act without thinking first.
54. I try to escape from facing problem.
55. I have a family that are always ready to help when I am in trouble.
56. I am important to my family and my friends.
57. I am from a happy family.
58. I am not loved by my family.
59. My friends are not confident of me.
60. I think my family do not put their trust in me.
61. I am satisfied with the relationships in my family.
62. I have treated my parents as I should have treated them.
63. I understand my family adequately.
64. I am very sensitive about what my family says.
65. I must increase my faith towards my family.
66. I should have loved my family more than I love others.
67. I try to be fair towards my family and friends.
68. I make sure that I do my part in the house.
69. I give full attention towards my family.
70. I often quarrel with my family.
71. I always give in to both my parents.
72. I do not act wisely as perceived by my family.
73. I am a friendly person.
74. I am more popular among females.
75. I am more popular among males.
76. I feel angry towards everybody.
77. I am not interested in what others are doing.
78. I find it difficult to develop closeness with others.
79. I can socialize in ways that I want.
80. I am satisfied with the way I treat other people.
81. I make an effort to win people's heart‚ but I don't over do it.
82. I should have more manners with other people.
83. I am not good in socializing.
84. I am not satisfied with the way I mix with other people.
85. I try to understand other people's view.
86. I have good regards towards everybody that I met.
87. I can be friend with everybody.
88. I don't find it hard to talk with other people.
89. It is difficult for me to forgive other people.
90. I feel difficult to talk with somebody that I do not know.
91. I do not always speak the truth.
92. Sometimes I think of bad things to say.
93. I sometimes get angry.
94. Sometimes I become angry when I don’t feel well.
95. I don't like everybody that I know.
96. Sometimes I do badmouth other people.
97. Sometimes I am entertained by obscene jokes.
98. Sometimes I feel like cursing.
99. I prefer to win rather than lose in a game.
100. Sometimes I will postpone works that I should be doing.
完全不相同 | 大部分不相同 | 部分相同、部分不相同 | 大部分相同 | 完全相同 | |
1. 我的身体健康 | |||||
2. 我经常保持仪表整洁大方 | |||||
3. 我举止端庄,行为规矩 | |||||
4. 我的品德好 | |||||
5. 我是个没有出息的人 | |||||
6. 我经常心情愉悦 | |||||
7. 我的家庭幸福美满 | |||||
8. 我的家人并不爱我 | |||||
9. 我讨厌这个世界 | |||||
10. 我待人亲切友善 | |||||
11. 偶尔我会想起一些不可告人的坏事 | |||||
12. 我有时候会说谎 | |||||
13. 我的身体有病 | |||||
14. 我全身都是病痛 | |||||
15. 我为人诚实 | |||||
16. 我的道德不坚强,有时会做坏事 | |||||
17. 我的心情平静,不忧不愁 | |||||
18. 我经常心怀恨意 | |||||
19. 我觉得家人不信任我 | |||||
20. 我的家人对我很器重 | |||||
21. 我很受别人欢迎 | |||||
22. 我很难交到朋友 | |||||
23. 有时候我觉得很想骂人 | |||||
24. 我偶尔会因身体不舒服,脾气变得有点暴躁 | |||||
25. 我的身体既不胖,也不太瘦 | |||||
26. 我对自己的外貌感到满意 | |||||
27. 我觉得我不太值得人信任 | |||||
28. 我经常觉得良心不安 | |||||
29. 我瞧不起我自己 | |||||
30. 我对我自己现在的情形感到满意 | |||||
31. 我已经尽力去孝敬我父母了 | |||||
32. 我觉得我对家人不够信任 | |||||
33. 我对自己的社交能力感到满意 | |||||
34. 我对自己待人的方式感到满意 | |||||
35. 偶尔我会在背后说些别人的闲话 | |||||
36. 比赛时,我总想着赢 | |||||
37. 我觉得身体不太舒服 | |||||
38. 我对自己身体的某些部分不太满意 | |||||
39. 我觉得我的行为符合自己的良心 | |||||
40. 我对自己的道德行为感到满意 | |||||
41. 我觉得我这个人还不错 | |||||
42. 我对自己感到不满意 | |||||
43. 我不太喜欢我的家人 | |||||
44. 我目前与家人保持良好的关系,我感到满意 | |||||
45. 我觉得我在社交方面不太理想 | |||||
46. 我觉得我与他人处的不够理想 | |||||
47. 听到黄色笑话,我有时会忍不住笑出来 | |||||
48. 我有时候会把当天该做的事拖到第二天 | |||||
49. 我的动作时常显得很笨拙 | |||||
50. 我很少感到身体不舒服 | |||||
51. 我在日常生活中常凭着良心做事 | |||||
52. 为了胜过别人,有时候我会使用不正当的手段 | |||||
53. 在任何情况下,我都能照顾自己 | |||||
54. 我经常不敢面对难题 | |||||
55. 我常和家人发生争吵 | |||||
56. 我的行为常常无法满足家人的期望 | |||||
57. 我在和陌生人谈话时,她感觉困难 | |||||
58. 我尽量去了解别人对事物的看法 | |||||
59. 我偶尔会发脾气 | |||||
60. 我很会照顾自己的身体 | |||||
61. 我常常睡得不好 | |||||
62. 我很少做不正当的事 | |||||
63. 对我而言,做正当的事或表现良好的行为是有困难的 | |||||
64. 我时常没有经过事先考虑,就贸然行事 | |||||
65. 我遭遇困难后,都能轻易的解决 | |||||
66. 我很关心她的家人 | |||||
67. 我尽量公平合理地对待她的家人 | |||||
68. 我别人在一起时,常觉得不自在 | |||||
69. 我和别人相处得很好 | |||||
70. 对于我所认识的人我并非觉得每个都喜欢 |