成人挑食问卷(Adult Picky Eating Questionnaire,简称 APEQ)是Ellis等人于2017年编制的,用于测量成人的挑食行为[1]。
APEQ为自评量表,共16题,包括膳食呈现(meal presentation)、食物种类(food variety)、膳食逃离(meal disengagement)和味觉厌恶(taste aversion)4个因子。采用李克特5级评分:1(从不)、2(极少)、3(有时)、4(经常)、5(总是)。
Meal presentation
1. I have a strong preference toward specific food presentation
2. I prefer foods of a particular color
3. I cringe,cry,or gag after seeing or eating certain foods
4. I am sad or disappointed when food is not prepared/cooked in the "right way"
5. I am immediately suspicious of food and feel the need to carefully inspect the majority of food
6. I eat foods in a specific sequence
7. I will not eat a food if I saw someone else touch it
Food variety
8. I eat a limited number of items from each food group
9. My usual diet lacks a variety of food groups
10. I do not like trying new foods
11. I eat from a very narrow range of foods (fewer than 10 different foods)
Meal disengagement
12. I am often disengaged/uninvolved when sitting at the table for mealtime
13. I usually feel that I have something better to do than eating
14. I avoid mealtimes
Taste aversion
15. I reject bitter foods,even if they are only slightly bitter
16. I reject sour foods
- ^ Ellis, J. M., Galloway, A. T., Webb, R. M., & Martz, D. M. (2017). Measuring adult picky eating: The development of a multidimensional self-report instrument. Psychological Assessment, 29(8), 955.
- ^ He, J., Ellis, J. M., Zickgraf, H. F., & Fan, X. (2019). Translating, modifying, and validating the Adult Picky Eating Questionnaire for use in China. Eating behaviors, 33, 78-84.