他律道德 heteronomous morality
态度 attitude
态度测量 attitude measurement
态度改变 atitude change
态度量表 attitude scale
态度免疫 attitude inoculation
谈判 negotiation
弹性工作时间 fexible working hours, flextime, flexitime
探究行为 exploratory behavior
探究学习 inquiry learning
探索性因素分析 exploratory factor analysis
唐氏综合征 Down syndrome
糖皮质激素 glucocorticoid
糖皮质激素受体 glucocorticoid receptor, GR
逃脱学习 escape learning
逃逸行为 flight behavior
讨好 ingratiation
特定恐怖症 specific phobia
特殊儿童 exceptional child
特殊迁移 specific transfer
特异性 distinctiveness
特征比较模型 feature comparison model
特征觉察器 feature detector
特征值 eigenvalue
特质 trait
特质激活理论 trait activation theory
特质焦虑 trait anxiety
特质理论 trait theory
特质图 trait profile
疼痛控制 pain control
疼痛易感人格 pain-prone personality
体内平衡 homeostasis
体贴精神与主动结构 consideration and initiating structure
体验性学习 experiential learning
体液免疫 humoral immunity
体育心理学 psychology of physical education
替代 substitution
替代强化 vicarious reinforcement
替代侵犯 displaced aggression
*替代学习 vicarious learning
*天才儿童 gifted child
天花板效应 ceiling effect
填充测验 completion test
条件刺激 conditioned stimulus, CS
条件反射 conditioned reflex, CR
条件反应 conditioned response, CR
条件性免疫 conditioned immunity
条件性强化物 conditioned reinforcer
条件性位置偏爱 conditioned place preference, CPP
条件性知识 conditional knowledge
*调和理论 congruity theory
调和平均数 harmonic mean
调解 mediation
调整 adjustment
调整法 method of adjustment
听觉 hearing, audition
听觉登记 auditory register
听觉定位 auditory localization
*听觉定向测定 sound cage
听觉反射 acoustic reflex
听觉范围 audibility range
听觉后像 auditory afterimage
听觉记忆 acoustic memory
听觉理论 theory of hearing
听觉敏度 auditory acuity
听觉耐受阈限曲线 auditory tolerance threshold curve
听觉疲劳 auditory fatigue
听觉频率理论 frequency theory of hearing
听觉闪烁 auditory flicker
听觉失认症 acoustic agnosia
听觉适应 auditory adaptation
听觉位置说 place theory of hearing
听觉显示器 auditory display
听觉掩蔽 auditory masking
听觉阈限 auditory threshold
听觉阈限曲线 auditory threshold curve
听觉中枢 auditory center
听力测量 audiometry
听力计 audiometer
听力图 audiogram
听知觉 auditory perception
通道容量 channel capacity
通路目标理论 path-goal theory
同伴接纳 peer acceptance
同伴拒绝 peer rejection
同伴评定 peer rating
同伴学习 peer learning
同步化波 synchronized wave
同层人 cohort
*同感 empathy
同化 assimilation
同时对比 simultaneous contrastC
同时估计 concurrent estimation
同时效度 concurrent validity
同时性辩别 simultaneous discrimination
同时性扫描 simultaneous scanning
同性恋 homosexuality
同一性拒序 identity foreclosure
同质性 homogeneity
童年早期月 early childhood
童年中期 middle childhood
统计表 statistical table
统计分析 Tstatistical analysis
统计概率 statistical probability
统计决策 statistical decision
统计量 statistic
统计图 statistical chart
统计显著性 statistical significance
统觉 apperception
痛点 pain spot
痛觉 algesia
痛觉计 algesimeter
痛觉特殊功能说 specific function theory of pain
*痛觉仪 algesimeter
偷窃癖 kleptomania
投射 projection
投射测验 projective test
*投射法 projective technique, projecuive method
投射性认同 projective identification
透视错觉 perspective illusion
突触 synapse
突触可塑性 synaptic plasticity
突触囊泡 synaptic vesicle
图式 schema
图式理论 schema theory
图像记忆 iconic memory
图形界面 graphical interface
团队多样性 team diversity
团队建设 team building
团队精神 team spirit
团队领导训练 team leader training
团队适应和协调训练 team adaptation and coordination training
团队效能感 team efficacy
团队协作技能 teamwork skill
团体测验 group test
*团体动力学 group dynamics
团体治疗 group therapy
团体咨询 group counseling
推理 inference, reasoning
推论统计 inferential statistics
退行 regression
吞咽反射 swallowing reflex
拓扑心理学 topological psychology