
< 心理学名词(第二版)‎ | 汉英索引

拉丁方设计 Latin square design

来访者中心疗法 client-centered therapy

莱温变革模型 Lewin's change model

兰道环视标 Landolt ring

蓝道环 Landolt ring

蓝黄色盲 tritanopia, blue-yellow blindness

老化 aging

老年期 late adulthood

老年心理学 aging psychology, psychology of aging

雷文推理测验 Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test

类比 analogy

类比律 law of similarity

类焦虑行为 anxiety-like behavior

类属学习 subordinate learning

类似联想 association by similarity

类似实验设计 quasi-experimental design

类推 reason by analogy

类型论 type theory

类抑郁行为 depressive-like behavior

累计频数图 cumulative frequency polygon

冷点 cold point

冷觉 cold sensation

冷效应 cold effeet

离差 deviation

离差平方和 sum of deviation square

离差智商 deviation intelligence quotient

离散量数 measure of difference

离散型变量 diserete variable

离心趋势 marginalization

离中趋势 divergence tendency

离中趋势分析 dispersional tendency analysis

理解 understanding

理解策略 comprehension strategy

ERG理论 ERG theory

P-O-X理论 P-O-X triads

X理论 theory X

Y理论 theory Y

Z理论 theory Z

理论思维 theoretical thinking

理论心理学 theoretical psychology

理情行为疗法 rational emotive behavior therapy, REBT

理想自我 ideal self

理性心理学 rational psychology

理性主义 rationalism

理智感 rational feeling

力比多 libido

历史编篡学 historiography

历史主义 historicism

立体定位技术 stereotaxic technique

立体镜 stereoscope

立体知觉 stereoscopic perception

利克特量表 Likert scale

利他行为 altruistie behavior

利他主义 altruism

连续变量 continuous variable

连续技能 continuous motor skill

连续军事操作 continuous operation

连续强化 continuous reinforcement, CRF

连续系列设计 sequential design

连续性与阶段性问题 continuity-discontinuity issue

连续原则 principle of continuity

联结主义心理学 connectionism psychology

联觉 synaesthesia

联想 association

联想记忆 associative memory

联想律 association law

联想思维 associative thinking

联想网络模型 associative network model

联想心理学 association psychology

联想学习 associative learning

联想值 association value

联想主义 associationism

练习 exercise

练习极限 practice limit

练习律 law of exercise

练习曲线 practice curve

恋母情结 Oedipus complex

恋童症 pedophilia

恋物癖 fetishism

恋物症 fetishism

链分析 link analysis

良好图形 good figure

两点阈 two-point limen

两阶段抽样法 two-stage sampling

两难问题 dilemma problem

亮暗比 light-dark ratio

亮度 luminance

亮度对比 luminance contrast

量表值 scale value

列联表 contingency table

邻近联想 adjacent association

临床测验 clinical test

临床心理学 clinical psychology

临界值 critical value

灵感 inspiration

零假设 null hypothesis

零相关 zero correlation

零重力 weightlessness

领导 leadership

领导-成员交换理论 leader-member exchange theory

领导权变理论 contingency theory of leadership

领导特质理论 trait theory of leadership

领导行为理论 behavioral theory of leadership

领地行为 territorial behavior

领悟 insight

领养研究 adoption study

领域特殊理论 domain-specifie theory

领域性 territoriality

领域一般理论 domain-general theory

流畅状态 flow state

流体智力 fluid intelligence

留面子技术 door-in-the-face technique

留守儿童 left-behind child

漏报 miss

颅相学 phrenology

鲁宾酒杯-人面图 Rubin's goblet profile figure

陆军甲乙种测验 Army Alpha and Beta Test

陆军军官选拔测验 Army Officer Selection Battery, OSB

路径分析 path analysis

露阴癖 exhibitionism

露阴症 exhibitionism

绿色盲 deuteranopia

轮廓 contour

罗杰斯自我论 Rogers' self theory

罗克奇价值观系统 Rokeach value system

罗密欧与朱丽叶效应 Romeo and Juliet effect

罗森塔尔效应 Rosenthal effect

逻辑思维 logical thinking

螺旋式课程 spiral curriculum