

匹兹堡睡眠质量指数Pittsburgh sleep qualityindexs,简称 PSQI)由匹兹堡大学精神科医生Buysse于1989年编制,用于评价睡眠质量的临床和基础研究[1]



Instructions: The following questions relate to your usual sleep habits during the past month only. Your answers should indicate the most accurate reply for the majority of days and nights in the past month. Please answer all questions.

1. During the past month, what time have you usually gone to bed at night? ___________________

2. During the past month, how long (in minutes) has it usually taken you to fall asleep each night? __________

3. During the past month, what time have you usually gotten up in the morning? ___________________

4. During the past month, how many hours of actual sleep did you get at night? (This may be different than the

number of hours you spent in bed.) ___________________

Not during the past month Less than once a week Once or a twice a week Three or more times a week
5. During the past month, how often have you had trouble sleeping because you…
a. Cannot get to sleep within 30 minutes
b. Wake up in the middle of the night or early morning
c. Have to get up to use the bathroom
d. Cannot breathe comfortably
e. Cough or snore loudly
f. Feel too cold
g. Feel too hot
h. Have bad dreams
i. Have pain
j. Other reason(s), please describe, including how often you have had trouble sleeping because of this reason(s)
6. During the past month, how often have you taken medicine to help you sleep (prescribed or "over the counter")?
7. During the past month, how often have you had trouble staying awake while driving, eating meals, or engaging in social activity?
No problem at all Only a very slight problem Somewhat of a problem A very big problem
8. During the past month, how much of a problem has it been for you to keep up enough enthusiasm to get things done?
Very good Fairly good Fairly bad Very bad
9. During the past month, how would you rate your sleep quality overall?
No bed partner or room mate Partner/room mate in other room Partner in same room but not same bed Partner in same bed
10. Do you have a bed partner or room mate?
Not during the past month Less than once a week Once or twice a week Three or more times a week
If you have a room mate or bed partner, ask him/her how often in the past month you have had:
a. Loud snoring
b. Long pauses between breaths while asleep
c. Legs twitching or jerking while you sleep
d. Episodes of disorientation or confusion during sleep
e. Other restlessness while you sleep, please describe:









a.人睡困难(30分钟内不能人睡)(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;

b.夜间易醒或早醒(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(3) ≥3次/周;

c.夜间去厕所(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;

d.呼吸不畅(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;

e.咳嗽或奸声高(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周,

f.感觉冷(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4)≥3次/周;

g.感觉热(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;

h.做恶梦(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;

i.疼痛不适(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;

j.其他影响睡眠的事情(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;



7.近1个月,您用药物催眠的情况(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;

8.近1个月,您常感到困倦吗(1)无(2) <1次/周(3) 1-2次/周(4) ≥3次/周;


  1. ^ Buysse, D. J., Reynolds III, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (1989). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry research, 28(2), 193-213.
  2. ^ 刘贤臣, 唐茂芹, 胡蕾, 王爱祯, 吴宏新, 赵贵芳, ... & 李万顺. (1996). 匹兹堡睡眠质量指数的信度和效度研究. 中华精神科杂志, 29(2), 103-107.