

儿童马基雅维利主义量表Kiddie Machiavellianism Scale,简称 KMS),又称儿童马氏量表,由Christie和Geis编制,原量表20个项目,测量对人性的态度和对人际关系的信任。中文版由秦贝贝等人修订,修订后量表共16个项目,包括对人性缺乏信心、不诚实和不信任3个因子,采用4点计分,从“完全不同意”到“完全同意”分别计0~ 3分。量表得分越高,表明个体马基雅维利主义更强。


1. Never tell anyone why you did something unless it will help you.

2. Most people are good and kind.*

3. The best way to get along with people is to tell them things that make them happy.

4. You should do something only when you are sure it is right.*

5. It is smartest to believe that all people will be mean if they have a chance.

6. You should always be honest‚ no matter what.*

7. Sometimes you have to hurt other people to get what you want.

8. Most people won't work hard unless you make them do it.

9. It is a better to be ordinary and honest than famous and dishonest.*

10. It's better to tell someone why you want him to help you than to make up a good story to get him to do it.*

11. Successful people are mostly honest and good.*

12. Anyone who completely trusts anyone else is asking for trouble.

13. A criminal is just like other people except that he is stupid enough to get caught.

14. Most people are brave.*

15. It is smart to be nice to important people even if you don't really like them.

16. It is possible to be good in every way.*

17. Most people can not be easily fooled.*

18. Sometimes you have to cheat a little to get what you want.

19. It is never right to tell a lie. *

20. It hurts more to lose money than to lose a friend.

* Reversed item.

1- disagree very much‚ 2- disagree a little‚ 4- agree a little‚ 5- agree very much


1. 不要告诉任何人你做某事的真正原因,除非你有特殊的目的。

2. 多数人是好的和善良的。

3. 与人交往的最好方法是说出对方想知道的事。

4. 只有肯定某件事是对的才能去做。

5. 最聪明的办法是假定所有人一旦有机会就会做出卑鄙的事。

6. 任何时候都应当诚实。

7. 有时为了得到自己想要的东西你不得不去伤害别人。

8. 如果不是被迫,多数人都不会努力工作。

9. 平凡但诚实要比有名气但不诚实好。

10. 最好告诉对方你为什么请他帮忙,而不是编造更动人的理由去打动他。

11. 成功的人多数是诚实和善良的。

12. 任何人如果完全相信别人都会吃亏上当。

13. 犯人与其他人的不同在于罪犯太笨了所以才被抓住。

14. 多数人是勇敢的。

15. 即使你不喜欢有地位的人,你也应该好好地对待他们,这样做才是上策。

16. 在各方面都优秀是有可能做到的。

17. 多数人不会轻易受骗。

18. 有时为了得到自己想要的东西你不得不说一些假话。

19. 说假话永远是不对的。

20. 失去钱财比失去朋友造成的损失更大。