

一般适应综合征general adaptation syndrome,简称 GAS)也称一般适应症候群,为加拿大心理学家汉斯·谢耶(Hans Selye)于1930年代定义的一类适应性反应:一个有机体必须寻回他的平衡或稳定,从而维持或恢复其完整和安宁。



  • 报警阶段(Alarm):在一个短暂的生理唤醒期中,躯体能够有效行动并做好准备。如果应激源仍然保持,机体则会进入抵抗期。
  • 抵抗阶段(Resistance):机体可以忍耐并抵抗长时间的应激源带来的衰弱效应。
  • 疲惫阶段(Exhaustion):若应激源持续时间长或持续强度大,机体则因资源消耗而进入疲惫期。
the physiological consequences of severe stress. The syndrome has three stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. The first stage, the alarm reaction (or alarm stage), comprises two substages: the shock phase, marked by a decrease in body temperature, blood pressure, and muscle tone and loss of fluid from body tissues; and the countershock phase, during which the sympathetic nervous system is aroused and there is an increase in adrenocortical hormones, triggering a defensive reaction, such as the fight-or-flight response. The resistance stage (or adaptation stage) consists of stabilization at the increased physiological levels. High blood pressure can develop into hypertension, with risk of cardiovascular disturbance. Resources may be depleted and permanent organ changes produced. The exhaustion stage is characterized by breakdown of acquired adaptations to a prolonged stressful situation; it is evidenced by sleep disturbances, irritability, severe loss of concentration, restlessness, trembling that disturbs motor coordination, fatigue, jumpiness, low startle threshold, vulnerability to anxiety attacks, depressed mood, and crying spells. [first described by Hungarian-born Canadian endocrinologist Hans Selye (1907–1982)]

加拿大生理心理学家赛尔耶(H. Selye,1907~1982)在1950年研究发现,人在重大压力下,身心适应一般会出现三个阶段性的变化。第一阶段为警觉反应阶段(alarm reaction stage),此阶段又分为两期,先是由于情绪的震惊,导致生理上体温与血压下降,肌肉松弛,称为震撼期(shock phase);继而肾上腺的分泌增加,生理功能加强,是为反击期(countershock phase)。第二阶段为抗拒阶段(resistance stage),生理功能恢复,体温血压渐趋正常,唯心理上难免采取防卫方式去适应,借以减少精神压力。第三阶段为衰竭阶段(exhaustion stage),如第二阶段适应失效,遗留下的精神压力无法排除时,先是第一阶段症候再度出现,继而心身衰竭,终至陷入崩溃状态。本词有时简称适应症候群 (adaptation syndrome)。

