

特质妒忌量表Dispositional Envy Scale,简称 DES)是Smith等人于1999年编制的,主要测量自卑、沮丧、不公正感等情绪体验的程度



DES为自评量表,包括8个题目,采用李克特5点评分(1 = 完全不同意;5 = 非常同意)。


1. I feel envy every day.

2. The bitter truth is that I generally feel inferior to others.

3. Feelings of envy constantly torment me.

4. It is so frustrating to see some people succeed so easily.

5. No matter what I do, envy always plagues me.

6. I am troubled by feelings of inadequacy.

7. It somehow doesn’t seem fair that some people seem to have all the talent.

8. Frankly, the success of my neighbors makes me resent them.

  1. ^ Smith, R. H., Parrott, W. G., Diener, E. F., Hoyle, R. H., & Kim, S. H. (1999). Dispositional envy. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25(8), 1007–1020.