


进食障碍检查自评问卷Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire,简称 EDE-Q)是Fairburn和Beglin于1994年编制的,是半结构化访谈问卷EDE的自评量表,用于进食障碍评估和流行学调查,用以筛查可能有进食障碍的对象,以便进一步检查确诊[1]

当前版本为EDE-Q 6.0。

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EDE-Q 6.0[编辑 | 编辑源代码]

Instructions: The following questions are concerned with the past four weeks (28 days) only.

Please read each question carefully. Please answer all the questions. Thank you.

Questions 1 to 12: Please circle the appropriate number on the right. Remember that the questions only refer to the past four weeks (28 days) only

  1. ^ Fairburn, C. G., & Beglin, S. J. (1994). Assessment of eating disorders: Interview or self‐report questionnaire?. International journal of eating disorders, 16(4), 363-370.