

创建页面,内容为“*达尔文反射 Darwin reflex 打折扣原理 discountingprinciple 大脑半球优势化 cerebral dominance 大脑功能偏侧化 lateralization ofbrain…”
第1行: 第1行:
*达尔文反射 Darwin reflex
*[[达尔文反射]] Darwin reflex

打折扣原理 discountingprinciple
[[打折扣原理]] discounting principle

大脑半球优势化 cerebral dominance
[[大脑半球优势化]] cerebral dominance

大脑功能偏侧化 lateralization ofbrain function
[[大脑功能偏侧化]] lateralization of brain function

[[大脑两半球功能不对称性]] functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres

[[大脑皮质]] cerebral cortex

大脑两半球功能不对称性 functionalasymmetryofcerebral hemispheres
*[[大五人格模型]] Big Five personality model

大脑皮质 cerebral cortex
*[[大五人格问卷]] Big Five Personality Inventory

*大五人格模型 Big Five personality model108.041*大五人格问卷 Big Five Personality Inventory
[[大小错觉]] size illusion

[[大小恒常性]] size constancy

[[大小知觉]] size perception

大小错觉 size illusion
[[大样本]] large sample

大小恒常性 sizeconstancy
*[[大众传播]] mass communication, public communication

大小知觉 sizeperception
[[大众沟通]] mass communication, public communication

大样本 largesample
[[代币法]] token economy

*大众传播 masscommunication,publiccommunica-
[[代币强化物]] token reinforcer

[[代表性启发法]] representative heuristics

大众沟通 mass communication public communication
[[代偿]] compensation

[[代沟]] generation gap

[[代替律]] law of substitution

代币法 tokeneconomy
[[丹佛儿童发展筛选测验]] Denver Development Sereening Test, DDST

代币强化物 tokenreinforcer
*[[丹佛发育筛查测验]] Denver Development Sereening Test, DDST

代表性启发法 representativeheuristics
[[单被试实验设计]] single-case experimental design

代偿 compensation
[[单侧检验]] one-sided test

代沟 generationgap
[[单词句]] single-word sentence

代替律 lawofsubstitution
[[单耳听觉]] monaural hearing

丹佛儿童发展筛选测验 DenverDevelopmentSereen-
[[单亲家庭]] single-parent family

*[[单色视觉]] monochromatism

*丹佛发育筛查测验 DenverDevelopmentSereening
[[单色仪]] monochromator

[[单尾检验]] one-tailed test

单被试实验设计 single-caseexperimentaldesign
[[单味觉]] gustum

[[单眼深度线索]] monocular depth cue

[[单眼运动视差]] monocular movement parallax

单侧检验 one-sidedtest
[[单样本t检验]] one-sample t-test

单词句 single-wordsentence
[[单因素方差分析]] one-factoranalysis of variance

单耳听觉 monauralhearing
[[胆汁质]] choleric temperament

单亲家庭 single-parentfamily
*[[弹震症]] shell shock

*单色视觉 monochromatism
[[当前定向]] present-focus

单色仪 monochromator
[[当事人中心疗法]] client-centered therapy

单尾检验 one-tailedtest
[[导出分数]] derived score

单味觉 gustum
[[倒摄干扰]] retroactive interference

单眼深度线索 monoculardepthcue
[[倒摄抑制]] retroactive inhibition

单眼运动视差 monocularmovementparallax02.407单样本1检验 one-sampler-test
[[倒U形假说]] inverted U hypothesis

单因素方差分析 one-factoranalysisofvariance
[[道德两难]] moral dilemma

[[道德判断]] moral judgement

[[道德推理]] moral reasoning

胆汁质 choleric temperament
[[道德信念]] moral belief

*弹震症 shellshock
*[[道尔顿症]] daltonism

[[登门槛效应]] foot-in-the-door effect

当事人中心疗法 client-centeredtherapy
*[[等感受性曲线]] isosensitivity curve

导出分数 derivedscore
[[等高曲线]] equal pitch contour

倒摄干扰 retroactiveinterference
[[等级排列法]] ranking method

倒摄抑制 retroactiveinhibition
[[等级相关]] rank order correlation

倒 U形假说 invertedUhypothesis
[[等距变量]] equal interval variable

道德两难 moraldilemma
[[等距法]] method of equal interval

道德判断 moraljudgement
[[等距量表]] interval scale

道德推理 moral reasoning
[[等势原理]] principle of equipotentiality, law of equipotentiality

道德信念 moral belief
[[等响曲线]] equal loudness contour

*道尔顿症 daltonism
[[等值复本]] sequivalent form

登门槛效应 foot-in-the-dooreffect
[[邓肯多重范围检验]] Duncan multiple-range test

*等感受性曲线 jsosensitivitycurve
[[低常儿童]] subnormal child

等高曲线 equalpitchcontour
[[低负荷]] underload

等级排列】法 rankingmethod
[[低阶迁移]] low-road transfer

等级相关 rankordercorrelation
[[敌对]] hostility

等距变量 equalintervalvariable
[[敌意性攻击]] hostile aggression

等距法 method ofequalinterval
[[底丘脑]] subthalamus

等距量表 interval scale
[[地板效应]] floor effect

等势原理 principleofequipotentiality.lawofequipo
[[递归模型]] recursive model

[[递减系列]] descending series

等响曲线 equal loudness contour
[[递增系列]] ascending series

等值复本 sequivalent form
*[[第二类错误]] error of the second kind

邓肯多重范围检验 Duncanmultiple-rangetest03.142低常儿童 subnormalchild
*[[第二色盲]] deuteranopia

低负荷 underload
[[第二信号系统]] second signal system

低阶迁移 low-roadtransfer
*[[第二需要]] secondaryneed

敌对 hostility
第二语言 second language

敌意性攻击 hostileaggression
*[[第三色盲]] tritanopia, blue-yellow blindness

底丘脑 subthalamus
*[[第一类错误]] error of the first kind

地板效应 floorefect
*[[第一色盲]] red blindness

递归模型 recursivemodel
[[第一信号系统]] first signal system

递减系列 descending series
*[[第一需要]] primary need

递增系列 ascending series
[[第一印象]] first impression

*第二类错误 errorofthesecondkind
[[第一语言]] first language

*第二色盲 deuteranopia
[[癫癎]] epilepsy

第二信号系统 secondsignalsystem
[[癫癎性精神障碍]] mental disorder in epilepsy

*第二需要 secondaryneed
[[癫癎性人格]] epileptoid personality

第二语言 secondlanguage
*[[癫痫]] epilepsy

*第三色盲 tritanopia,blue-yellowblindness02.236*第一类错误 errorofthefirstkind
*[[癫痫性精神病]] epileptic psychosis

*第一色盲 redblindness
*[[癫痫性人格]] epileptoid personality

第一信号系统 firstsignalsystem
[[点二列相关]] point biserial correlation

*第一需要 primaryneed
[[点估计]] point estimate

第一印象 firstimpression
[[电报式言语]] telegraphic speech

第一语言 firstlanguage
[[电痉挛休克]] electroconvulsive shock, ECK

痛 epilepsy
[[电损毁]] electrolytic lesion

痛性精神障碍 mentaldisorderinepilepsy10.157猫性人格 epileptoidpersonality
*[[电休克]] electroconvulsive shock. ECK

*撤痛 epilepsy
[[顶峰体验]] peak experience

*疯病性精神病 epileptic psychosis
[[顶叶]] parietal lobe

*疯病性人格 epileptoid personality
[[定势理论]] set theory

点二列相关 point biserial correlation
[[定向反应]] orienting response

点估计 pointestimate
[[定向力]] orientation

电报式言语 telegraphicspeech
[[定向障碍]] disorientation

电控李休克 electroconvulsiveshock,ECK05.130电损毁 electrolyticlesion
[[动机]] motivation

*电休克 electroconvulsiveshock.ECK
[[动机本能说]] instinct theory of motivation

顶峰体验 peakexperience
[[动机享乐说]] hedonic theory of motivation

顶叶 parietallobe
[[动机性遗忘]] motivated forgetting

定势理论 settheory
[[动景器]] stroboscope

定向反应 orientingresponse
[[动觉]] kinesthesis

定向力 orientation
[[动觉表象]] kinesthetic imagery

定向障碍 disorientation
[[动觉反馈]] kinesthetic feedback

动机 motivation
[[动觉后效]] kinesthetic after effect, KAE

动机本能说 instincttheoryofmotivation02.738动机享乐说 hedonictheoryofmotivation02.739动机性遗忘 motivatedforgetting
[[动觉计]] kinesthesiometer

动景器 stroboscope
[[动力定型]] dynamic stereotype

动觉 kinesthesis
[[动力心理学]] dynamic psychology

动觉表象 kinestheticimagery
[[动态视敏度]] dynamic visual acuity

动觉反馈 kinesthetiefeedback
[[动物求偶行为]] animal courtship behavior

动觉后效 kinestheticaftereffect.KAE
[[动物心理学]] animal psychology

动觉计 kinesthesiometer
*[[动物行为学]] ethology

动力定型 dynamic stereotype
[[动作]] act

动力心理学 dynamicpsychology
[[动作电位]] action potential

动态视敏度 dynamicvisualacuity
[[动作定向]] action orientation

动物求偶行为 animalcourtshipbehavior05.194动物心理学 animal psychology
[[动作感觉]] senseofmotion

*动物行为学 ethology
[[动作经济原则]] economic principle of motion

动作 act
[[动作灵活性]] dexterity of action

动作电位 action potential
[[动作稳定性]] action stability

动作定向 action orientation
[[督导]] supervision

动作感觉 senseofmotion
[[独立性检验]] test of independence

动作经济原则 economicprincipleofmotion11.090动作灵活性 dexterityofaction
*[[独立组设计]] independent group design

动作稳定性 actionstability
[[赌徒逻误]] gambler's fallacy

督导 supervision
[[端脑]] telencephalon

独立性检验 testofindependence
[[短程心理治疗]] short-termpsychotherapy

*独立组设计 independentgroupdesign02.080赌徒逻误 gambler'sfallaey
[[短时记忆]] short-term memory, STM

端脑 telencephalon
[[短语结构语法]] phrase structure grammar

短程心理治疗 short-termpsychotherapy
[[锻炼成瘾]] exercise addiction

短时记忆 short-termmemory.STM
[[锻炼坚持性]] exercise adherence

短语结构语法 phrasestructuregrammar
[[锻炼心理学]] exercise psychology

锻炼成 exerciseaddiction
[[队列设计]] sequential design

锻炼坚持性 exerciseadherence
[[对比联想]] association by contrast

锻炼心理学 exercise psychology
[[对比律]] law of contrast

队列设计 sequential design
[[对抗性条件作用]] counter conditioning

对比联想 association by contrast
[[对抗训练法]] confronting training

对比律 lawofcontrast
[[对立违抗性障碍]] oppositional defiant disorder

对抗性条件作用 counterconditioning
[[对偶比较法]] method of paired comparison

对抗训练法 confrontingtraining
[[对人知觉]] person perception

对立违抗性障碍 oppositionaldefiantdisorder
*[[对数定律]] logarithmic law

*[[对照组]] control group, CG

*[[钝痛]] slow pain

对偶比较法 methodofpairedcomparison02.053对人知觉 person perception
[[顿悟]] insight

*对数定律 logarithmiclaw
[[顿悟说]] insight theory

*对照组 controlgroup.CG
[[多巴胺]] dopamine, DA

*钝痛 slowpain
[[多层线性模型]] hierarchical linear model

顿梧 insight
[[多重比较]] multiple comparison

顿梧说 insighttheory
[[多重共线性]] multicollinearity

多巴胺 dopamine,DA
[[多重人格]] multiple personality

多层线性模型 hierarchicallinearmodel
[[多重相关]] multiple correlation

多重比较 multiplecomparison
[[多重项目]] polytomous items

多重共线性 multicollinearity(
[[多导生理记录仪]] polygraph

多重人格 multiplepersonality
[[多功能显示器]] multiple funetional display

多重相关 multiplecorrelatiom
*[[多级记分项目]] polytomous items

多重项目 polytomousitems
[[多水平模型]] multilevel model

多导生理记录仪 polygraph
[[多通道交互界面]] multi-channel interface

多功能显示器 multiplefunetionaldisplay11.041*多级记分项目 polytomousitems
[[多维焦虑理论]] muitidimensional anxiety theory

多水平模型 multilevelmodel
[[多血质]] sanguine temperament

多通道交互界面 multi-channelinterface11.020多维焦虑理论 muitidimensionalanxietytheory14.02多血质 sanguinetemperament
[[多元分析]] multiple analysis

多元分析 multipleanalysis
[[多元回归]] multiple regression

多元回归 multipleregression
[[多元文化论]] multiculturalism

多元文化论 multiculturalism
*[[多元线性回归]] multiple regression

*多元线性回归 multipleregression
[[多元智力理论]] multiple inteligences theory

多元智力理论 multipleinteligencestheory06.052将性知识 inertknowledge
[[惰性知识]] inert knowledge

2022年12月26日 (一) 16:50的版本

达尔文反射 Darwin reflex

打折扣原理 discounting principle

大脑半球优势化 cerebral dominance

大脑功能偏侧化 lateralization of brain function

大脑两半球功能不对称性 functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres

大脑皮质 cerebral cortex

大五人格模型 Big Five personality model

大五人格问卷 Big Five Personality Inventory

大小错觉 size illusion

大小恒常性 size constancy

大小知觉 size perception

大样本 large sample

大众传播 mass communication, public communication

大众沟通 mass communication, public communication

代币法 token economy

代币强化物 token reinforcer

代表性启发法 representative heuristics

代偿 compensation

代沟 generation gap

代替律 law of substitution

丹佛儿童发展筛选测验 Denver Development Sereening Test, DDST

丹佛发育筛查测验 Denver Development Sereening Test, DDST

单被试实验设计 single-case experimental design

单侧检验 one-sided test

单词句 single-word sentence

单耳听觉 monaural hearing

单亲家庭 single-parent family

单色视觉 monochromatism

单色仪 monochromator

单尾检验 one-tailed test

单味觉 gustum

单眼深度线索 monocular depth cue

单眼运动视差 monocular movement parallax

单样本t检验 one-sample t-test

单因素方差分析 one-factoranalysis of variance

胆汁质 choleric temperament

弹震症 shell shock

当前定向 present-focus

当事人中心疗法 client-centered therapy

导出分数 derived score

倒摄干扰 retroactive interference

倒摄抑制 retroactive inhibition

倒U形假说 inverted U hypothesis

道德两难 moral dilemma

道德判断 moral judgement

道德推理 moral reasoning

道德信念 moral belief

道尔顿症 daltonism

登门槛效应 foot-in-the-door effect

等感受性曲线 isosensitivity curve

等高曲线 equal pitch contour

等级排列法 ranking method

等级相关 rank order correlation

等距变量 equal interval variable

等距法 method of equal interval

等距量表 interval scale

等势原理 principle of equipotentiality, law of equipotentiality

等响曲线 equal loudness contour

等值复本 sequivalent form

邓肯多重范围检验 Duncan multiple-range test

低常儿童 subnormal child

低负荷 underload

低阶迁移 low-road transfer

敌对 hostility

敌意性攻击 hostile aggression

底丘脑 subthalamus

地板效应 floor effect

递归模型 recursive model

递减系列 descending series

递增系列 ascending series

第二类错误 error of the second kind

第二色盲 deuteranopia

第二信号系统 second signal system

第二需要 secondaryneed

第二语言 second language

第三色盲 tritanopia, blue-yellow blindness

第一类错误 error of the first kind

第一色盲 red blindness

第一信号系统 first signal system

第一需要 primary need

第一印象 first impression

第一语言 first language

癫癎 epilepsy

癫癎性精神障碍 mental disorder in epilepsy

癫癎性人格 epileptoid personality

癫痫 epilepsy

癫痫性精神病 epileptic psychosis

癫痫性人格 epileptoid personality

点二列相关 point biserial correlation

点估计 point estimate

电报式言语 telegraphic speech

电痉挛休克 electroconvulsive shock, ECK

电损毁 electrolytic lesion

电休克 electroconvulsive shock. ECK

顶峰体验 peak experience

顶叶 parietal lobe

定势理论 set theory

定向反应 orienting response

定向力 orientation

定向障碍 disorientation

动机 motivation

动机本能说 instinct theory of motivation

动机享乐说 hedonic theory of motivation

动机性遗忘 motivated forgetting

动景器 stroboscope

动觉 kinesthesis

动觉表象 kinesthetic imagery

动觉反馈 kinesthetic feedback

动觉后效 kinesthetic after effect, KAE

动觉计 kinesthesiometer

动力定型 dynamic stereotype

动力心理学 dynamic psychology

动态视敏度 dynamic visual acuity

动物求偶行为 animal courtship behavior

动物心理学 animal psychology

动物行为学 ethology

动作 act

动作电位 action potential

动作定向 action orientation

动作感觉 senseofmotion

动作经济原则 economic principle of motion

动作灵活性 dexterity of action

动作稳定性 action stability

督导 supervision

独立性检验 test of independence

独立组设计 independent group design

赌徒逻误 gambler's fallacy

端脑 telencephalon

短程心理治疗 short-termpsychotherapy

短时记忆 short-term memory, STM

短语结构语法 phrase structure grammar

锻炼成瘾 exercise addiction

锻炼坚持性 exercise adherence

锻炼心理学 exercise psychology

队列设计 sequential design

对比联想 association by contrast

对比律 law of contrast

对抗性条件作用 counter conditioning

对抗训练法 confronting training

对立违抗性障碍 oppositional defiant disorder

对偶比较法 method of paired comparison

对人知觉 person perception

对数定律 logarithmic law

对照组 control group, CG

钝痛 slow pain

顿悟 insight

顿悟说 insight theory

多巴胺 dopamine, DA

多层线性模型 hierarchical linear model

多重比较 multiple comparison

多重共线性 multicollinearity

多重人格 multiple personality

多重相关 multiple correlation

多重项目 polytomous items

多导生理记录仪 polygraph

多功能显示器 multiple funetional display

多级记分项目 polytomous items

多水平模型 multilevel model

多通道交互界面 multi-channel interface

多维焦虑理论 muitidimensional anxiety theory

多血质 sanguine temperament

多元分析 multiple analysis

多元回归 multiple regression

多元文化论 multiculturalism

多元线性回归 multiple regression

多元智力理论 multiple inteligences theory

惰性知识 inert knowledge