


马洛-克罗恩社会赞许性量表Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale,简称 MCSDMCSDSMC-SDS)是由Crowne和Marlewe于1960年编制的[1],用以测量“赞许需要”,即“通过从事被社会所提倡的行为来获得社会赞许与接受的一种需要”[2]


Instructions: Listed below are a number of statements concerning personal attitudes and traits. Read each item and decide whether the statement is true or false as it pertains to you.

1. Before voting I thoroughly investigate the qualifications of all the candidates.

2. I never hesitate to go out of my way to help someone in trouble.

3. It is sometimes hard for me to go on with my work if I am not encouraged.

4. I have never intensely disliked anyone.

5. On occasion I have doubts about my ability to succeed in life.

6. I sometimes feel resentful when I don't get my own way.

7. I am always careful about my manner of dress.

8. My table manners at home are as good as when I eat out in a restaurant.

9. If I could get into a movie without paying and be sure I was not seen, I would probably do it.

10. On a few occasions, I have given up doing something because I thought too little of my ability.

11. I like to gossip at times.

12. There have been times when I felt like rebelling against people in authority even though I knew they were right.

13. No matter who I'm talking to, I'm always a good listener.

14. I can remember "playing sick" to get out of something.

15. There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone.

16. I'm always willing to admit it when I make a mistake.

17. I always try to practice what I preach.

18. I don't find it particularly difficult to get along with loud-mouthed, obnoxious people.

19. I sometimes try to get even, rather than forgive and forget.

20. When I don't know something I don't at all mind admitting it.

21. I am always courteous, even to people who are disagreeable.

22. At times I have really insisted on having things my own way.

23. There have been occasions when I felt like smashing things.

24. I would never think of letting someone else be punished for my own wrongdoings.

25. I never resent being asked to return a favour.

26. I have never been irked when people expressed ideas very different from my own.

27. I never make a long trip without checking the safety of my car.

28. There have been times when I was quite jealous of the good fortune of others.

29. I have almost never felt the urge to tell someone off.

30. I am sometimes irritated by people who ask favours of me.

31. I have never felt that I was punished without cause.

32. I sometimes think when people have a misfortune they only got what they deserved.

33. I have never deliberately said something that hurt someone's feelings.


The following answers for each item are equal to 1 point:

1. True 10. False 18. True 26. True
2. True 11. False 19. False 27. True
3. False 12. False 20. True 28. False
4. True 13. True 21. True 29. True
5. False 14. False 22. False 30. False
6. False 15. False 23. False 31. True
7. True 16. True 24. True 32. False
8. True 17. True 25. True 33. True
9. False

Low Score (0-8): Those who fall in this range are more willing to respond truthfully to surveys and other similar tests, even if their answers are met with social disapproval.

Average Score (9-19): Those who fall in this range have an average degree of social conformity. These people tend to strike a balance when answering certain surveys or tests.

High Score (20-33): Those who fall in this range have a high tendency for social conformity. They tend to answer questions and tests in such a way that they are able to get social approval and acknowledgment. They tend to avoid social disapproval, even if it means saying things that are far from the truth.



1. 在投票选举前,我全面审查所有候选人的资料。

2. 当遇到有困难的人时,我会毫不犹豫地帮助他们。

3. 有时,没有他人的鼓励,我很难把工作进行下去。

4. 我从没有强烈地讨厌过任何人。

5. 有时,我对自己在此生中能否成功感到怀疑。

6. 有时,我会因未能如愿而满腹怨气。

7. 我总是很注意自己的衣着。

8. 我在家吃饭的样子与在饭店吃时一样文雅。

9. 当确信不会被发现时,我会不买票混进电影院。

10. 我常常因为觉得自己能力太差而放弃该做的事。

11. 我有时讲别人的闲话。

12. 有时,我即使知道有权威的人是对的,但仍喜欢反对他们。

13. 无论跟谁讲话,我都认真倾听。

14. 我有时以“装病”来逃避某些事。

15. 我利用过别人。

16. 我做错事后总是勇于承认。

17. 我总是说到做到,从不食言。

18. 即使跟讨厌的人,我也能很好相处。

19. 有时,我宁愿以牙还牙,也不愿宽恕或忘却。

20. 当我对某事不懂时,我会毫不介意地承认。

21. 即使对讨厌的人,我也是彬彬有礼。

22. 我时常坚持按自己的方式做事。

23. 有时,我想要砸东西出气。

24. 我从未想过让别人代我受过。

25. 当别人向我索取人情回报时,我从无怨言。

26. 当别人表达的意见与我完全不同时,我从不恼怒。

27. 在我骑车出远门时,总要检查车的情况。

28. 有时,我很嫉妒别人的幸运。

29. 我从没有责骂别人的冲动。

30. 有时,我对那些找我帮忙的人感到厌烦。

31. 我从未感到自己的受罚是冤枉的。

32. 有时,我觉得别人所遭到的不幸是罪有应得。

33. 我从未故意说伤害别人感情的话。


  1. ^ Crowne, D. P., & Marlowe, D. (1960). A new scale of social desirability independent of psychopathology. Journal of consulting psychology, 24(4), 349.
  2. ^ Marlow, D., & Crowne, D. P. (1961). Social desirability and response to perceived situational demands. Journal of consulting psychology, 25(2), 109.